Spruce and Co. Wipes

Spruce & Co.

Spruce & Co. Wipes

Spruce & Co. Wipes

$7.99 for 10-pack 

The dirty side of traveling is the veritable petri-dish that is otherwise known as an airplane. Each time you set down your smartphone, germs on the tray table and lavatory sink can transfer to your trusty sidekick. Carry Spruce & Co. Wipes so you can safely clean all of your devices and remove the ick-factor from traveling. These ultra-portable wipes are individually wrapped, so you can just toss a few in your carry-on before boarding your flight. 

Women's Travel Essentials

Every traveler has a unique set of "must-haves" for a successful trip. For instance, some savvy travelers always wear socks to avoid walking barefoot during the TSA shuffle - because germs! 

The women of Travel Savvy never jet off without a Ziploc of essentials tucked in our carry-ons. Here's our list of products that we never leave home without. 

Filed Under: airports, beauty, family vacations, travel gear, vacation

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